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Week 7 reflection

This week it was really interesting to find out what my player type is because I don't play video games much. It is so interesting to me that how a person plays a game can be related to how they interact with others.
I had no idea these types of players existed, so it was fun to explore the different player types. In my initial post I talked about how the information from a student player quiz can play a part in classroom management and student interactions in the classroom. After this weeks readings I believe the same is still true, but I would be cautious to put too much weight on the results. It seems like something that can cause teachers to only view students who scored certain scores in a different way.
I can say for myself I would see a kiddos actions differently if they scored a high percentage killer. I would be more aware of their behavior and possibly keep a better eye on them. I think this may be a problem because this test shouldn't be one that dictates how I interact with my students.


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