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Week 10

How do you currently infuse play into your class? How might you change this as a result of some of the ideas you have encountered?

Currently I am not in my own classroom, so I will base this off my student teaching experience last year. I spent my first semester in a first grade classroom. Everyday students were expected to do their work and complete lessons, but after their work was done they had free choice. In speaking with the teacher this was something she highly valued. It was something she felt that the students needed everyday. I remember questioning if they still needed free choice because they seemed older, but when they started to play and tinker and construct I realized how important exploration is for all children. 
In my second classroom of my student teaching it was a kindergarten and first grade split room. There it was a bit different because of the different ages of students. Again just like the class with all first graders it very quickly became apparent how much kiddos need free choice. They work hard all day learning a lot of new material and for at minimum of 20 minutes they need to be allowed to play, color, build, construct, and explore in the classroom. 

To apply the same approach to play in my classroom seems the obvious choice. From this class I would like to take my application of games and play more integrated into my daily classroom environment. While I will have students have free choice daily, I would like to use technology such as Class Dojo, which incorporates points and badges into classroom management. If I am teaching older students I will have games like Jeopardy, relay races, and other active games that allow students to practice the material they are learning while playing and getting exercise. 


  1. I like how you take into account the age differences when discussing and incorporating play in your classroom. I do agree that play is important at any age, but as you noted, it's also important that the games and associated elements are age and grade appropriate.

  2. Erika,
    I agree that free time is something that all students should have. I think the reward system motivates children and gives them a sense of options. The students also learn that hard work pays off. Great post.


  3. I also agree that students should be rewarded with free time after they have worked hard! I'd take this a step further to restrict the websites that students had access to because I want students to continue to challenge themselves and grow no matter where they are!

  4. I agree that it is extremely important that students get free choice. I am teaching first grade this year, but I have also taught kindergarten and fourth grade. The first year I taught first grade, I implemented a makerspace in my room and it was a big hit with my students. I saw how having time to be creative was beneficial to them focusing during our work times. You made a lot of really great observations about your year of student teaching. If you ever teach older students, don't forget to try out Kahoot and Quizlet!


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