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Week 3

What is gamification?

According to an article written by Scott Nicholson the definition of gamification is the use of game design elements in non-game contexts. He pointed out that a common application of gamification in the classroom is using a point system similar to one that might appear in a video game. When i think of gamification I think of my experience with the Spanish classes in high school using a lot of games in their lessons. 
An example of a technology that lends itself to gamification is ClassCraft which adds an adventure piece to assigned lessons. With ClassCraft students create a character, play as part of teach and earn experience points and work toward rewards based on class behavior. Students are rewarded for helping other students, producing above expectation work.  Students can also receive consequences for poor behavior. 
Instead of classes focused on textbooks and lectures, the class is focused on earning badges, experience points, level and rankings. All this to engage students to choose a quest and work at their own pace to achieve the activity. 

What is gaming?
Gaming is the simple act of playing a game. It focuses on the use of games to enhance the learning experience. 

What is the difference?
Gamification's goal is to increase the effects of existing information and apply the motivational techniques that make games so engaging. For example instead of just spending an hour reviewing notes before a quiz students could play jeopardy or another game to review the required information. 

Nicholson, S. (2012, June). A User-Centered Theoretical Framework for Meaningful Gamification. Retrieved September 12, 2018.

Isaacs, S. (2015, January 15). The Difference between Gamification and Game-Based Learning. Retrieved September 12, 2018.


  1. ClassCraft kind of reminds me of ClassDojo. ClassDojo is less of a "game" but rather a point system for individual and class goals. I love that some of the teachers use it in my school because kids really are motivated to do well/turn things in/behave so they can earn points!

  2. ClassCraft sounds awesome. I wonder how much prep goes into setting up an activity/quest in it. I also thought of ClassDojo when I read the description.

  3. I've heard of teachers having great success with ClassCraft! It sounds great in theory, but my worry, similar to Galina's, is how much time is spent setting it up and accessing it in class. I could see spending part of a class period getting it set up and students accustomed to it if I knew that it would be easy to integrate into my class. Thanks for talking about it!

  4. Hi Erika here is a link to my blog: Please check it out if you can and give me some feedback under "Thoughts…musings… whatever" also I will be posting weird gamification bits under "Game On" as I come across them.


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