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Week 2 reflection

This week focused a lot on how not all games are effective in the classroom. When students are allowed to express their feelings, ideas, and put input into the games being taught to the in their classrooms the games become more effective because they are more geared to engaging to the students. There are so many aspects of students education that doesn't allow for any input from the student. Games seem to be the perfect solution to that discrepancy.

Thought out this entire week I kept remembering the only real experience I have had with games in my education was jeopardy. It was so much fun and I believe really helped me prepare for the test. I don't know if it is true, it would be interested to look more into and look at does reviewing tests using games improve the actual test results. I am curious to see what the results would be.

looking more into my experience with games I also am realizing that maybe i should have taken Spanish instead of french in high school because they played more games and seem to remember and have taken more away from the class because the way the lessons were taught is more engaging and fun.
Image result for Jeopardy in school


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